A rich, engaging, and culturally relevant curriculum for every student with full art, music, library, science and history programs in addition to reading and math for providing quality education to the future citizens of the country.
Aasu - 7768929000 / 7767839000
Malegaon,Near Taware petrol pump - 7767918000 / 7768929000
Sangavi,shirshne road - 7769823000 / 7768929000
Near Gawade hospital, Baramati - 7767919000 /7768929000
Tandulwadi,kalyaninagar,Baramati - 7767829000/7768929000
Suryanagari ,Jalochi road. Baramati - 7767929000/7768929000
You can help by providing following things...
The Indian education system, considered as one of the largest in the world, is divided into two major segments of core and non-core businesses.
You can help poor family students.
While, schools and higher education for the core group, the non-core business consists of pre-schools, vocational training and coaching classes.
Someone has quoted very aptly that the children of today are the future of tomorrow.
Thus, what can be a better way to contribute towards society other than shaping children’s future?
Therefore, if you aim to make a difference to society then associating with "Active Kids" is an ideal way to achieve your aim.
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